July 23, 2024
We have exciting news!
(And scroll down for news about Operation Oink round 2)
Click here to Support Operation Oink!
Six Gottingen pigs—Rocco, Max, Jake, Viggo, Dennis, and Aegon—were rescued recently from a research lab and are now safe in three sanctuary homes thanks to YOU and your support of New Life Animal Sanctuary! This sensational project has been nicknamed Operation Oink!
Leaving behind a miserable laboratory cage, these pigs now are experiencing the life they deserve. In the lab they were just numbers, but now they have names! Imagine the excitement for them to experience everything for the first time — rooting in the mud, lounging in the sun with a friend, or feasting on a fresh watermelon!
Thank you animal-loving friends, for your support in accomplishing this amazing feat!
We need your help again soon. Your donation today will help us with the next rescue and allow us to keep our current residents living their best lives. Please donate here and save more lives with us!
Zelle: donations@newlifeanimalsanctuary.org
PayPal: donations@newlifeanimalsanctuary.org
Venmo: @newlifeanimalsanctuary
Checks: New Life Animal Sanctuary P.O. Box 902 Lake Elsinore, CA 92531
New Life Animal Sanctuary specializes in rescuing animals from labs, and even though we are at capacity in our sanctuary, we are thrilled to have the experience and relationships with research labs, built carefully over time, to play this vital role in saving these lucky pigs.
It is extremely rare for any animal to get out of a research lab alive. It is not unusual for animals to be used in multiple, often invasive experiments over many years, only to be eventually assigned to a “terminal” study in which they are killed to have their tissues and organs examined. In research, pigs are isolated, kept alone in small cages, deprived of sunshine, fresh air, and opportunities to engage in normal social behaviors.
After weeks of complex coordination and planning, rescuers traveled thousands of miles over three long days in two separate transports to bring the pigs safely to their new homes. The pigs went in pairs to Lighthouse Farm Sanctuary in Scio, Oregon; Wildlings Forest Sanctuary in Portland, Oregon; and Leo’s Animal Rescue in Onyx, California. Additionally, the Animal Legal Defense Fund played a significant role, helping organize logistics and making a one-time financial contribution towards the care and well-being of each pig.

Gottingen pigs are small, specifically bred for use in biomedical research, with the goal of having a small, compliant, docile pig with good ear veins, all for making them easier to experiment on. These sweet pigs’ gentle nature is exploited for the ease of subjecting them to invasive procedures.
But no more! Now they are safe and happy, thanks to your generosity. Please, consider partnering with us again on our lifesaving work. Donate today!
For the animals,
Gina Lynn
P.S. We will never know exactly what happened to these smart and sensitive pigs behind locked lab doors, but we know that animal testing on pigs is a cruel and gruesome practice. In laboratories, pigs are poisoned, mutilated, implanted with equipment, and killed for a variety of research types including drug toxicity, testing medical devices, organ transplant, and general surgical training, despite many of these uses having modern humane equivalents that don’t use animals and produce more reliable results.
We know you share our mission to forever end this senseless torture of pigs and other animals in research. Donate to Operation Oink! today and together we will make that day come sooner.

Oops! We did it again!
Click here to Support Operation Oink round 2
We shared the July 2024 tale of six little rescued piggies (laboratory survivors). We used our network and expertise to help release and transport those guys from a California research facility to new sanctuary homes – as well as spread our mission about ending the cruelty of research testing on animals.
Well, as we worked on that project and helped those six fellows to freedom, we learned there were two more! What would you do?!?!?
Despite still not having reached our fund raising goal,we had to go back for them, and we did on October 25.
May we introduce: Bleu Boi and Rumplestilskin
The rescue was captured here on Facebook video: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1750521639112139
If you agree and think we did the right thing (no pig left behind), please support our mission with a donation today by clicking here.
Read about this small victory for animal rights in the news here:
Ferdinand and Friends, a reputable sanctuary near San Diego, has provided the new home for these 2 guys and Animal Legal Defense Fund played a huge role in completing this project.
As mentioned… we fell short of our fundraising goal, but we want to continue this mission of compassion. If you believe pigs (and other animal species) should NOT be poisoned, mutilated, implanted with equipment, and killed for experiments —donate today to provide the resources for New Life Animal Sanctuary to keep saving animals!
With humble gratitude,
Gina Lynn, Founder/President
and your fellow animal lovers and the volunteers
at New Life Animal Sanctuary
Zelle: donations@newlifeanimalsanctuary.org
PayPal: donations@newlifeanimalsanctuary.org
Venmo: @newlifeanimalsanctuary
Checks: New Life Animal Sanctuary P.O. Box 902 Lake Elsinore, CA 92531